Dominic is the main playable character in Project Odyssey. This story takes place in a sci-fi dystopian future where Earth is suffering from the long-term effects of a nuclear outbreak. In contrast, Dominic was raised in an advanced nurtured environment on a space habitat called Nethenia. Though he is young, he is incredibly intelligent and has a passion for helping out those in need. Because of his intense training, Dominic is chosen as a medic to go on an expedition to Earth.
Dominic's blue eye is actually an eye implant, which will help him in the field. This new medical technology can diagnose a victim's injury so that a medic can do their job immediately. I wanted to make his outfit similar to Search and Rescue wear, as well as making sure that the outfit is a good balance between futuristic and modern.
Kira is a supporting character in Project Odyssey. Kira is a respected individual among her community. She loves tinkering with relics from the Old Earth, designing concepts for new inventions that could help her people. With Dominic's arrival, she learns more about herself as she is put in situations that are much different from how she was raised.
Her outfit is a reflection of how women dress today. When Earth "ended" in 2025, everything in stores, homes, and factories were immediately abandoned, including the technology that soon stopped working.
Exploration sheets of potential threats that would appear on Earth. The radiation resulted in an outbreak of a zombie fungus, Ophiocordyceps Unilateralis, which spreads its spores to reproduce. This fungus habitats local animals and may distort them into disturbing creatures. At first, I started working on alien insect designs, but thought it would have more impact to focus on infected animals like the Bison you see in first image.

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